Sharepoint Upload Failed Locked by Another User

OneDrive Upload Failed: Sign in Required!

"OneDrive Upload Failed: Sign in required. Your changes were saved only could not be uploaded because you are non signed in to the server. Every time I have tried to save an Excel file or Discussion document in the concluding month I get this message and apparently I can't save to my one drive through the application interface. Why is OneDrive not working? How to solve my Discussion upload blocked? Help!"

OneDrive Upload Failed Sign in required

Quick Navigation

  • Why is OneDrive Not Uploading?

  • How to Fix OneDrive Upload Failed: nine Solutions

  • Backup OneDrive in advance for data security

Why is OneDrive Not Uploading?

OneDrive is an Internet-based storage platform. Microsoft users can utilise it directly on the device and use it as a shared cloud hard bulldoze. Whenever you desire to save a file in all Function apps or save information technology every bit a new copy, the plan sends a request to log in with a Microsoft account for each file. After entering the user name and password credentials, the post-obit error message may be displayed:

Upload Failed : You are required to sign in to upload your changes to this location.

OneDrive Upload Failed You are required to sign in

Upload Failed: Locked by another user.

Onedrive Upload Failed Locked by another user

Upload Failed: Permissions issue.

OneDrive Upload Failed Permission issue

Upload Blocked: We couldn't verify you take the necessary permissions to upload the file.

OneDrive Upload Blocked

OneDrive upload failed: In that location is a trouble with the website'due south security certificate.

There is a problem with this websites security certificate

SIGN IN REQUIRED: Nosotros tin can't upload or download your changes because your cached credentials have expired.

Sign In Required

The above are some common situations that OneDrive cannot upload files normally. Why does OneDrive upload failed? Several reasons may cause them to happen:

  • The version of the running Office application is too old.

  • During file transfer, the connexion to OneDrive was lost.

  • You are not logged into your OneDrive account on the app.

  • Y'all practice non have permission to access the file or upload the file to the selected folder.

How to Fix OneDrive Upload Failed: ix Solutions

"How do I set a failed OneDrive upload?" Usually, information technology is some small details that make OneDrive not uploading files. This is not hard to solve. Let's try the effective methods provided here to fix the OneDrive upload failed on Mac and Windows PC.

  • Method 1. Re-provide account credentials

  • Method 2. Delete enshroud

  • Method 3. Install the latest Windows updates

  • Method 4. Bank check the size of file

  • Method five. Bank check if the file contains restricted characters

  • Method 6. Check the file path

  • Method seven. Check the file permission

  • Method 8. Upload files to OneDrive in another free fashion

  • Method nine. Check storage infinite of account

Method 1. Re-provide account credentials

In the process of uploading files to OneDrive, if you are not logged in to your account, or your account is disconnected from OneDrive, you cannot continue the next performance. First, make sure you take logged in to your account. If you lot take logged in to OneDrive, try the following steps to re-provide account credentials to Microsoft Office:

Step i. In whatsoever Office app, select File on the card bar, and click Account. Under User Data, sign out all accounts. Then close all Office applications.

Sign Out Account

Step 2. Navigate to Control Panel > User Accounts > Credential Manager, Click Windows Credentials, expand Part credentials under Generic Credentials, and click Remove link.

Office OneDrive Credentials

Stride 3. Then go to the Office application and log in.

Method two. Delete cache

Whenever you employ Office to salve a file, a copy will exist generated and stored in the cache folder. When an excel upload failed on OneDrive problem occurs, it tin can exist considered that the cache fills up and the cache needs to be cleared.

Pace 1. In the Start menu, search for Microsoft Office tools, click on it, and select Office Upload Centre.

Office Upload Center

Pace two. Click Settings, nether Cache Settings, check the box as shown in the effigy, and then click Delete cached files.

Delete cached files

Method 3. Install the latest Windows updates

Unable upload to OneDrive has been fixed in version 16.0.7870.2031 or higher. If y'all are running a lower version, yous tin can manually update to fix the trouble immediately.

Step 1. Open the Settings on the computer, click Update & Security> Windows Update, and and so click the Cheque for updates push.

Windows Update

Step ii. Open any Office application, and then click File > Account > Update Options > Update Now.

Office Update

Method 4. Check the size of the file

If you lot practise not follow the upload size limit of OneDrive files, it may crusade that OneDrive failed to upload. What is the maximum file size to upload to OneDrive? You demand to follow the following file upload principles.

  • If the file size you are trying to upload exceeds 20 GB, the procedure volition fail.

  • If y'all use the latest version of Microsoft Edge or other popular web browsers, the upper limit for uploading files to OneDrive is 100GB.

  • If y'all are using an old browser, you lot can only upload files upwardly to 300 MB.

  • OneNote notebooks saved in OneDrive are limited to 2GB.

Note :

You can upload files up to 100GB using the OneDrive app. If you log in with your work or schoolhouse account, the maximum file size you tin upload is 15GB. For uploading large files to OneDrive, it is recommended that you lot add together files through the OneDrive desktop application instead of using the Upload push on the website.

Method 5. Bank check if the file contains restricted characters

If the file proper noun contains prohibited characters, the file cannot exist uploaded to OneDrive. The file proper noun cannot showtime or finish with infinite, end with a period, and can not contain whatsoever of the post-obit characters: / \ <>: *"?|

The following names are not immune for files or folders: AUX, PRN, NUL, CON, COM0, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT0, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9.

If your file is included in the above situation, you need to modify its name and upload it again.

Method 6. Check the file path

OneDrive upload blocked possibly because the total path of the file is likewise long. The path must be less than 442 characters. You can shorten the file proper noun or the name of the subfolder in OneDrive, or select the subfolder of the upper level to upload.

Method seven. Check the file permission

If the file is existence opened from another program. Yous need to salve all changes to the file and close the program, and so try to upload the file once again.

If you try to upload a file to OneDrive from a removable media device such every bit a CD or USB wink drive, the file may not be available. You should make sure that the removable media device is properly continued to the computer, and so try to upload the file once again.

Method viii. Upload files to OneDrive in some other complimentary way

You lot may inevitably encounter tricky OneDrive problems. Here nosotros recommend a free OneDrive alternative - CBackup, information technology can replace the OneDrive client for free and automatically support the files on your Windows PC to your OneDrive business relationship. This professional cloud backup service will exist more stable. You can easily upload data to OneDrive through the post-obit steps:

Step ane.D ownload,and install CBackup, create a new business relationship to log in to CBackup.

Sign In

Step 2. ClickMy Storage >Add Cloud, select OneDrive, click theAdd together button to continue. So, grant access to CBackup to manage OneDrive files.

Add Cloud

Pace 3. ClickFill-inTasks andNew Chore in turn.

Create Task

Stride 4. Alter theTask Name to differ from others, tap Local Files >Add together Source to select the files from your PC, then clickAdd Destination >Unmarried Cloud >Next> OneDrive >OK.

Add Source

Pace 5. If you wanna set the OneDrive PC automobile fill-in, clickSettings in the lower-left corner of the interface, and set up the frequency or specific time you want to automatically fill-in under the Scheduler tab.

Schedule Backup

Step half dozen. Finally, click theStart Backup button to confirm, and you could avoid the upload blocked on OneDrive permanently.

Start Backup Files To Onedrive

Note: CBackup too offers CBackup Cloud with 10GB of complimentary storage, which allows you to back upwards more of import data for free.

Method ix. Check storage space of account

If the size of the file you desire to upload exceeds the available storage space in your OneDrive account, the upload cannot exist successful. You can get to the storage folio to cheque the remaining infinite.

At that place is a gratuitous way for users to become more than OneDrive infinite, which is to connect multiple OneDrive cloud storage or other cloud services through CBackup, merge their storage space to obtain a big fill-in space for free, and you can back up more files with merely 1 login. If yous take plenty accounts, you can even go unlimited online cloud backup space.

Backup OneDrive in advance for data security

When there is a problem with OneDrive, such equally OneDrive isn't connected, OneDrive non running, to avoid being unable to access the stored data or losing data, you can support the files in OneDrive in advance.

You can use CBackup to back up files in OneDrive direct to some other cloud drive. You tin perform the following operations on the CBackup website or CBackup desktop app, here we have backing up OneDrive to Google Bulldoze with more free cloud storage as an example:

1. Sign in to CBackup website with your registered account. If y'all have already downloaded the CBackup desktop app, then you can too do the following on the client.

Sign Up

2. Add and authorize your OneDrive and Google Bulldoze accounts under theMy Storage tab. Then apply the same method to authorize any cloud storage account you desire to add together.

Add OneDrive

3. Click the BackupTasks tab at the peak, then click New  Task to create a fill-in job.

Create Task

iv. Click the Add Source button to select OneDrive as the backup source, and click the Add Destination button to add together Google Drive as the transfer source and backup destination.

Add Source Destination

5. After selecting, click Start Backup to start the chore.

Migrate OneDrive to Google Drive

Likewise, CBackup tin assistance y'all to perform cloud backup more powerful with the following features:

  • Fill-in files to Google Bulldoze, OneDrive, Dropbox, CBackup Deject, fifty-fifty the combined cloud easily. And you could enjoy the schedule backup, email notification, and file filter, etc.
  • Offers 10 GB complimentary deject stroage infinite of CBackup Cloud.
  • Sync one deject to another with everything moved, there is no need to download and re-upload, quite efficient.


To solve the OneDrive upload failed and blocked result, y'all tin try the above methods that suit you co-ordinate to the possible causes of the problem listed in the article. As well, as a OneDrive user, if you want to ensure the safety of the stored data, y'all may want to backup OneDrive directly to another cloud drive via CBackup.


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